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01_otc3054c.jpg OTC Noid Lite and Idle Air Control Test Kit
Item # OTC3054E


ESI595-s ESI Automotive Meter with PC Interface
This meter can be interfaced with your PC or Notebook computer for enhanced diagnostics and data presentation.
Item # ESI595


ESI685-s Digital Current Probe/Multimeter
Applications include fuel injection systems, fuel pumps, charging systems, electrical motors, and most parasitic drains.
Item # ESI685


ESI585K-s ESI Deluxe Automotive Meter with RPM & Temperature
Professional-grade tool used for diagnosing electrical, computer, and engine problems on any vehicle.
Item # ESI585K


ESI687-s ESI 80 Amp Low Current Probe Digital Multimeter
Applications: fuel injectors, fuel pumps, electric motors, battery drains, and charging systems.
Item # ESI687


ESI303B.jpg Fuse Buddy DMM Adapter for ATC Fuses
Item # ESI303B


ESI304B-s Fuse Buddy Tester for ATC Use
Can test circuit current up to 20 Amps
Item # ESI304B


ESI302M.jpg Fuse BuddyTester- Mini Fuse
Item # ESI302M


ESI480A-s Professional Auto-Ranging Digital Multimeter
Item # ESI480A


IPA8016websites Fuse Saver: Master Kit
Fuse Saver: Short Circuit Detector
Item # IPA8016


Tool Aid 6 Piece Deutsch Terminals Service Kit Tool Aid 6 Piece Deutsch Terminals Service Kit
Tool Aid 6 Piece Deutsch Terminals Service Kit
Item # SGT-18650


ES149websites Electronic Specialties 149 Universal Test Connector Kit w/ Case - 54 Piece
Electronic Specialties 149 Universal Test Connector Kit w/ Case - 54 Piece
Item # ES149


ESI194websites Electronic Specialties Super Relay Buddy
Electronic Specialties Super Relay Buddy
Item # ESI194


LIS-56810websites Lisle 56810 Relay Test Jumper Set (4 Piece)
Item # LIS-56810


IPA8005websites IPA Tools Fuse Saver Standard Kit
IPA Tools Fuse Saver Standard Kit
Item # IPA8005


IPA9008DLwebsites IPA Tools Super MUTT Pro Edition
IPA Tools Truck and Trailer Pin Master Cleaner Set
Item # IPA9008DL


PPIPP3LS01.gif Power Probe III Combo Kit with Gold Test Lead Set
Item # PPIPP3LS01


INN3420 Innova 3420 Smart Test Light Voltage & Ground Tester
The Innova Smart Test Light is designed to safely check voltage and/or ground on several electronic systems, including wiring, fuses, battery, cabling, sensors, switches, and more
Item # INN3420


CDOOBDA CanDo OBD-II AID DLC Port Diagnosis Tool
CanDo OBD-II Aid allows you to safely monitor your battery voltage, as well as your alternator


PWP-PPKIT04websites Power Probe 4 Master Combo Kit
Power Probe 4 Master Combo Kit
Item # PWP-PPKIT04


CDO-GPR-100 CanDo Glow Plug Reader
CanDo Glow Plug Reader
Item # CDO-GPR-100


PWPPPDCM80websites Power Probe Digital Clamp Multi Meter
PowerProbe Digital Clamp Multi Meter (80amp)


SGT-27000websites SG Tool Aid 27000 Heavy Duty Circuit Tester
Item # SGT-27000


SGT-36350websites SG Tool Aid In-Line Spark Plug Checker
SG Tool Aid In-Line Spark Plug Checker
Item # SGT-36350


IPAM2000websites IPA Tools NATO MUTT, Mobile Universal Trailer Tester
IPA Tools NATO MUTT, Mobile Universal Trailer Tester
Item # IPAM2000


9107B Electric Brake Force Meter w/ Dynamic Load Simulation and Circuit Testing
Electric Brake Force Meter, Load Simulator and Circuit Tester
Item # 9107B
