-   (866) 553-8116

Anti-Lock Braking System (ABS) for Trucks, Tractors & Buses by Meritor Wabco
Covers Meritor Wabco ABS E Version ECUs, 12-Volt Systems
Item # MM0112


BSD-1699200239-02-2.jpg Bosch HDS 250 Heavy Truck Scan Tool & Code Reader
Reads and clears heavy-duty truck standard codes. Displays code definitions and Streaming Data.
Item # BSD-1699200240


HD-I-Front HD I Heavy Duty Truck Diagnostic Code Reader by iCarsoft
Display & clear heavy duty truck diagnostic trouble codes, includes streaming data. It covers J1587, J1708 & J1939 protocols, for accessing Engine, Transmission, Brakes and more.
Item # HD-I


903008.JPG Medium & Heavy Duty Truck Fault Code Guide
Item # 903008


Use Cell Phone to do DPF Regens on Detroit Diesel, FUSO, Cummins, Mack & Volve Trucks!


HD-PRO TAB II Heavy Truck OEM Level Multibrand Diagnostic Scan Tool Tablet


HDCODEII.jpg HD Code II Heavy, Medium & Light Truck Code Reader w/ DPF Regen
Covers Class 4-8 Diesel & Gas trucks. Reads/Clears, Engine, Transmission & ABS Brake codes & displays streaming data.


122051 Noregon DLA+ 3.0 Adapter Kit
For Technicians working on Trucks (Tractor) only. Does not cover Trailer Diagnostics. JPRO Connector Cable from Laptop to Truck.
Item # 122051


JPRO Diagnostic Service Kit JPRO Diagnostic Service Kit

JPRO Diagnostic Service Kit

Item # 263050-NS


1582514321.jpg 2014 MOTOR Light, Medium & Heavy Duty Trucks Labor Time Guide
Cover Labor Times for 1978-2014 Light, Medium & Heavy Duty Trucks by Motor.
Item # 1582514712


22951.jpg 1992 - 2001 MOTOR Medium & Heavy Truck Engine Performance & Wiring Manual, 4th Edition
Covers specifications, service procedures and wiring diagrams on 1992 - 2001 Medium and Heavy Duty Truck.
Item # 1582510571


1582510539.jpg 1991 - 1998 MOTOR Medium & Heavy Truck Repair Manual, 13th Edition
Cover all Medium & Heavy Duty Truck and Component Manufactures for years 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, some 1998
Item # 0878519920


1582510539.jpg 1989 - 1996 MOTOR Medium & Heavy Truck Repair Manual, 12th Edition
Cover all Medium & Heavy Duty Truck and Component Manufactures for years 1986, 1987, 1988, 1989, 1990, 1991, 1992, some 1993
Item # 0878518908


1582512612.jpg 1989 - 1994 MOTOR Medium & Heavy Truck Repair Manual, 11th Edition
Covers Repair of 1989-1994 Med. & Heavy Truck Diesel / Gas Engines, Brakes, Clutch, Trans, Transfer Case, A/C Computer, Cooling, Electrical, Emissions, Exhaust, Fuel, Axles, Steering, Suspension.
Item # 0878518398


1582510539.jpg 1988 - 1993 MOTOR Medium & Heavy Truck Repair Manual, 10th Edition
Cover all Medium & Heavy Duty Truck and Component Manufactures for years 1988, 1989, 1990, 1991, 1992, some 1993
Item # 0878518207


1977 - 1988 MOTOR Medium & Heavy Truck Repair Manual, 5th Edition 1977 - 1988 MOTOR Medium & Heavy Truck Repair Manual, 5th Edition
Cover all Medium & Heavy-Duty Truck for years 1977 thru 1988
Item # 0878616710


087851712X.jpg 1977 - 1987 MOTOR Medium & Heavy Truck Repair Manual, 4th Edition
Cover all Medium & Heavy Duty Truck and Component Manufactures for years 1977, 1978, 1979, 1980, 1981, 1982, 1983, 1984, 1985, 1987, 1987
Item # 0878516492


087851712X.jpg 1977 - 1985 MOTOR Medium & Heavy Truck Repair Manual, 2nd Edition
Cover all Medium & Heavy Duty Truck and Component Manufactures for years 1977, 1978, 1979, 1980, 1981, 1982, 1983, 1984, 1985
Item # 0878516107


1960-69MotorTruck.jpg 1960 - 1968 MOTOR'S Truck Repair Manual, 21st Edition (Includes Heavy Duty Diesel Engines)
This edition covers mechanical specifications and service procedures on 1960 - 1968 models. Includes repair information for diesel engines.
Item # 1960-68MotorTruck


DG-DPA-PLC-KIT PLC TestCon Kit Trailer ABS Tester and J1708 Converter
PLC TestCon Kit Trailer ABS Tester and J1708 Converter


DPA-XL Heavy Truck-PC OBD-II Cable & Code Reader/Flash Software-Dearborn Group DPA-XL Heavy Truck-PC OBD-II Cable & Code Reader/Flash Software
DPA-XL Heavy Truck-PC OBD-II Cable & Code Reader/Flash Software by Dearborn Group
Item # DPA-XL


OTC-3824-08.jpg OTC-3824-08 ESI Truck Annual Software Update License Fee
OTC-3824-08 ESI Truck Annual Software Update License Fee
Item # OTC-3824-08


OTC-3824-08.jpg OTC-3824-08R Online Troubleshooting Annual Subscription
OTC-3824-08R Online Troubleshooting Annual Subscription
Item # OTC-3824-08R


JPRO Diagnostic Software with Adapter Kit JPRO Diagnostic Software with Adapter Kit
JPRO Diagnostic Software with Adapter Kit
Item # 232150-NS


 JPRO Diagnostic Software JPRO Diagnostic Software
JPRO Diagnostic Software
Item # 212100-ANS


JALtest HeavyTruck MultiBrand Diagnostic Scantool JALtest HeavyTruck MultiBrand Diagnostic Scantool, (Harware, Software, Licence, Info Online), V17.3 w/ Panasonic CF-31
JALtest HeavyTruck MultiBrand Diagnostic Scantool w/ Panasonic CF-31 Toughbook


Kit Includes JALtest Soft JALtest HeavyTruck + Ag MultiBrand Diagnostic Scantool, (Harware, Software, Licence, Info Online), V17.3 w/Panasonic CF-53 Laptop
Kit Includes JALtest Soft, Soft Update, Info, Link Adapter, All USA Cables, Panasonic CF-53 PC


JALtest COMMAG Heavy Truck JALtest HeavyTruck + Ag MultiBrand Diagnostic Scantool, (Harware, Software, Licence, Info Online), V17.3 -No PC
JALtest COMMAG Heavy Truck + Ag MultiBrand Diagnostic Scantool, V15.1 - No PC


Kit Includes JALtest Soft JALtest HeavyTruck + Ag MultiBrand Diagnostic Scantool, (Harware, Software, Licence, Info Online), V17.3 -With PC
Kit Includes JALtest Soft, Soft Update, Info, Link Adapter, All USA Cables , Rugged PC


OTC5081.jpg S-Cam Air Brake Spring Tool
Item # OTC5081


Nexiq Pocket HD DPF Regen and ABS Kit 798021 Nexiq Pocket HD DPF Regen and ABS Kit

You get the popular "All Makes" DPF Regen app, the ABS Software Suite (which includes Bendix®, Meritor WABCO®, and Trailer ABS suites), Heavy Duty Standard, and Light and Medium Truck (LMT).

Item # 798021


Nexiq Pocket HD ABS Software Suite 918021 Nexiq Pocket HD ABS Software Suite
Nexiq Pocket HD ABS Software Suite
Item # 918021


DTC Solutions V2 - Repair Solutions for Codes DTC Solutions V2 - Repair Solutions for Codes
DTC Solutions V2 - Repair Solutions for Codes
Item # DTCS-V2


Nexiq POCKET HD Heavy Duty Truck Scan Tool  188080 Nexiq POCKET HD Heavy Duty Truck Scan Tool
Nexiq POCKET HD Heavy Duty Truck Scan Tool
Item # 188080


CanDo-Bundle-with-BagSM CanDo HD Bluetooth Mobile Scanner with Regens Bundle


DTC_Solutions_offHWY DTC Solutions Off Highway Edition
DTC Solutions Off Highway Edition - Repair Solutions for codes!


CF31-DXP-121054 Universal Diesel Truck Diagnostic Tool & Scanner Laptop Kit
Universal Diesel Truck Diagnostic Tool & Scanner Laptop Kit
Item # CF31-DXP-121054


Diesel-Defense-image Diesel Defense GPS and Remote Lock Down - 12 Month Subscription
Diesel Defense GPS and Remote Lock Down - 12 Month Subscription


121052websites Nexiq USB-Link 3 Wireless Vehicle Interface Kit
Nexiq USB-Link 3 Wireless Vehicle Interface Kit
Item # 121052


Cummins Inline Cummins Inline 7 Data Link (PC to Vehicle) Adapter Bundled with Cummins Insite Lite Subscription
Cummins Inline 7 Data Link Adapter Cummins Inline 7 Data Link (PC to Vehicle) Adapter Bundled with Cummins Insite Lite Subscription
Item # CUMMINS-0003-3886388


BENDIX-ACOM-AE-USB-s Bendix ACOM AE ABS Diagnostic Software - USB
Bendix ACOM AE ABS Diagnostics - USB


Autel AutoLink AL529HD Heavy Duty Truck Code Reader Autel AutoLink AL529HD Heavy Duty Truck Code Reader
Autel AutoLink AL529HD Heavy Duty Truck Code Reader
Item # AUL-AL529HD


Noregon JPRO DLA+ 3.0 Wireless Adapter Kit Noregon JPRO DLA+ 3.0 Wireless Adapter Kit
Noregon DLA+ 3.0 Wireless Adapter Kit. Does not cover Trailer Diagnostics.
Item # 122071



Keywords; meritor, systems, heavy, duty, air, brake, truck, tractor, trailer, disk, drum, caliper, diagnostic, scan, tool, jpro, nexiq, pro, link, fleet, diagnostic, software, pl, usb, plc, abs, wiring, super, mutt, cam, breaks, automatic, slack, adjusters