General Motors is one of the biggest manufacturers in the world so it will come as no surprise that there is a large selection of service and repair manuals for the do it yourself mechanic. We offer everything from Chilton, Haynes, Mitchell 1 eautorepair and OEM service manuals. The books vary in price and content, but with the right book you can be confident while working on your own vehicle without having to pay the hefty fees associated with visiting the mechanic or local dealership.
The first type of manual out there is the OEM factory service manual. These books are the same ones that your local dealership uses when they are working on the vehicle. It contains the most comprehensive coverage that you can find and will cover everything on your car or truck. The manuals contain text and diagrams illustrating all repair and rebuild procedures. General Motors releases manuals for all of their vehicles which also include the electrical wiring diagrams. Many other manufacturers have separate wiring information that is sold in a stand alone manual. If you are doing massive repairs, the factory service manual is the way to go!
If you are in the market for a more cost conscious option, Chilton, Haynes and Mitchell 1 all provide great information at a great price! These manuals cover the repair and maintenance of almost every vehicle on the market today. They have been around for years and cover everything from brake repair, to engine replacement. Chilton and Haynes manuals are paperback or hardcover manuals geared towards the everyday person who wants to do some work on their car or truck. Mitchell 1's eautorepair is in the same type of format as the Chilton and Haynes except it is all online and requires a subscription. After purchase, you simply go to the website and login whenever you need some information.
Since there are so many options in manuals out there today, you can rest assured that we can locate the information you need to get the job done. Whether you are working on a brand new Chevrolet Malibu, Silverado, Avalanche or an older GMC Topkick, give us a call and we can track it down for you. With the help of a good manaul you will have your vehicle up and running in no time.