This Mack factory repair manual kit covers the entire removal, rebuild, adjustment and maintenance of the MP7 Engines 2007 - 2009.
MP7 2007 Engine Kit Contents:
The Following Products are Included within this Kit
PV776-88935628 Valve Stem Seals, Replacement, MP7 and MP8, CHU, CXU, GU, LEU, MRU
PV776-88936883 Valve Guide Wear, Check - MP7, MP8, MP10
PV776-88946118 Oil Pan, Replacement, MP7 EPA2007, EPA2010, CHU, CXU, GU
PV776-88948798 Valves and Unit Injectors, Adjustment, MP7 US07, EPA2010
PV776-88948803 Cylinder Head, Replacement, MP7 EPA2007, MP7 EPA2010, CHU, CXU, GU, LEU, MRU
PV776-88948886 Valve Cover, Replacement, MP7 EPA2007, MP7 EPA2010, CHU, CXU, GU
PV776-88949340 Camshaft, Replacement, MP7 EPA207, 2010, CHU, CXU, GU, LEU, MRU
PV776-88951125 Oil Pump, Replacement, MP7 EPA2007, MP7 EPA2010, CHU, CXU, GU, LEU, MRU
PV776-88951156 Engine Stiffening Frame, Replacement,MP7 EPA2007, MP7 EPA2010, CHU, CXU, GU, LEU, MRU
PV776-88951520 Turbocharger, Replacement, MP7, Conventional, CHU, CXU, GU
PV776-88953002 Rocker Arm, Checking, MP7, MP8, CHU, CXU, GU, LEU, MRU
PV776-88953114 Rocker Arms, Replacement, MP7
PV776-88953135 Flywheel Housing, Replacement, MP7, CHU, CXU, GU
PV776-88953136 Flywheel Housing, Replacement, MP7 LEU MRU
PV776-88953326 Oil Cooler, Replacement, MP7 Conventional, CHU, CXU, GU
PV776-88954152 Piston Cooling Nozzle, Replacement, MP7, CHU, CXU, GU
PV776-88954174 Sealant, Timing Gear Plate, Replacement, MP7
PV776-88954176 Timing Gear Cover, Replacement, MP7, Conv, CHU, CXU, GU
PV776-88954542 Piston and Liner, Replacement, MP7 EPA2007, MP7 EPA 2010, CHU, CXU, GU, LEU, MRU
PV776-88955073 Oil Separator, Crankcase Breather, Replacement, MP7, Conv, CHU, CXU, GU
PV776-88955181 Crankshaft Seal, Replacement (Front), MP7 EPA2007, 2010, CHU, CXU, GU
PV776-88955901 Flywheel Replacement, MP7 EPA2007, 2010, CHU, CXU, GU, LEU, MRU
PV776-88957708 Coolant Pump, Replacement, MP7, Conv, CHU, CXU, GU, MP7 EPA2007,2010, 2014
PV776-88960463 Abbreviations, Emission Control System, Mack
PV776-88960464 Oil Filter Housing, Replacement, MP7, Conv, CHU, CXU, GU
PV776-88960468 Piston Cooling Valve, Replacement, MP7, Conventional, CHU, CXU, GU
PV776-88960481 Camshaft Wear Check, MP7, MP8, MP10
PV776-88960494 Turbocharger, Replacement, MP7, Cabover, LEU, MRU
PV776-88960797 Heating Element, Replacement - MP7, MP8, MP10, 2007, 2010
PV776-88963602 Solenoid Valve, Aftertreatment Doser, Installation
PV776-88964082 Oil Separator, Crankcase Breather, Replacement, MP7, Cabover
PV776-88964418 Crankshaft Seal Replacement (Front) MP7 LEU MRU
Pv776-88964567 Drive Belt Replacement MP7 Cabover, LEU, MRU, MP7 EPA2007, 2010, 2014
PV776-88966008 Timing Gear Cover, Replacement, MP7, Cabover, LEU, MRU
PV776-88967917 Aftertreatment Diesel Oxidation Catalyst (DOC), Replacement: MRU
PV776-88968446 Camshaft Sensor Replace MP Engines
PV776-88968456 Flywheel Sensor Distance Checking, MP Engines
PV776-88971171 3/4 Engine, Replacement US07 Conv, CHU, CXU, GU, TD, MP10EPA2007, MP7 EPA2007, MP8 EPA2007
PV776-88973531 3/4 Engine Replacement US07 Cabover, LEU, MRU,MP7 EPA2007, MP8 EPA2007
PV776-88980326 mDRIVE Transmission, Disassemble-Inspection-Assemble *Australia Only*: CMH, CMM, CLX, CXX
PV776-88981669 mDRIVE Transmission, Main Shaft, Overhaul: CMM, CMH, CLX, CXX *Australia Only*
PV776-88981696 Approved Oils, Mack Components: CHU, CMM, CMH, CLX, CXX, CXU, GU, LEU, MRU, TD
PV776-88982733 mDRIVE Bearing, Output Shaft, Replacement: CMM, CMH, CLX, CXX *Australia Only*
PV776-88983672 mDRIVE Transmission, Control Housing, Overhaul *Australia Only*: CMM, CMH, CLX, CXX
PV776-88985698 Aftertreatment Diesel Exhaust Fluid (DEF) Tank, Replacement CHU, CXU, GU, TD
PV776-88985699 Aftertreatment Diesel Exhaust Fluid Tank (DEF) Level Sensor, Replacement CHU, CXU, GU, TD,
PV776-88992550 Aftertreatment Doser, Clean, CHU, CXU, GU, LEU, MRU, TD
PV776-88992621 Aftertreatment Doser Replace, CHU, CXU, GU, LEU, MRU, TD
PV776-88992621 Aftertreatment Doser Replace, CHU, CXU, GU, LEU, MRU, TD
PV776-89005881 Oil Cooler, Replacement, MP7 Cabover, LEU, MRU
PV776-89009150 EGR Cooler, Replacement, MP7, Conv, CHU, CXU, GU
PV776-89009881 EGR Cooler Replacement MP7 LEU MRU
PV776-89013427 Bearing Housing, Overhaul (Housing Removed), T200, T300
PV776-89022273 Engine Brake Design and Function MP7
PV776-89025153 High Fuel Consumption, Mack, MP7 EPA2007,2010, MP8 EPA2007,2010, CHU, CXU, GU, LEU, MRU, TD
PV776-89025163 Diesel Fuel, MP10 EPA2007, 2010, MP8, MP7 EPA2007, 2010, CHU, CXU, GU, LEU, MRU, TD
PV776-89025663 Specifications, MP7 EPA2007, MP7 EPA2010, CHU, CXU, GU, LEU, MRU
PV776-89026340 Cruise Control Design and Function, MP7 EPA2007, 2010, MP8 EPA2007,2010, MP10 EPA2007, 2010
PV776-89027388 Piston and Liner, Replacement, MP7 EPA2007, MP7 EPA2010, CHU, CXU, GU, LEU, MRU,
PV776-89027802 Valve Seat, Replacement (One), MP10 EPA2007,2010, MP7 EPA2007,2010, MP8 EPA2007,2010
PV776-89031085 Rocker Arm Shaft Oil Pressure Checking, CHU, CXU, GU, LEU, MRU, TD, MP7, MP8, MP10
PV776-89034613 Thermostat, Replacement, CHU, CXU, GU, LEU, MRU, MP7, MP8
PV776-89035122 EGR Cooler, Pressure Test, MP7, MP8, MP10, CHU, CXU, GU, LEU, MRU
PV776-89036469 Low Power Output CHU, CXU, GU, LEU, MRU, TD, MP7, MP8, MP10
PV776-89036470 High Fuel Consumption, CHU, CXU, GU, LEU, MRU, TD, MP7, MP8, MP10
PV776-89037914 Engine Safety Practices, CHU, CXU, GU, LEU, MRU, TD
PV776-89043795 Tracerline Extended-Life Coolant Dye, CHU, CXU, GU, LEU, MRU, TD, CH, CL, CT, RD
PV776-89046415 Timing Gears, Replacement (All), MP7, CHU, CXU, GU, LEU, MRU
PV776-89048107 Charge Air Cooler, Replacement,MP7, MP8, US07 and US2010
PV776-89054848 Cooling System, Pressure Test, CHU, CXU, GU, LEU, MRU, TD, MP7 EPA2004, MP7, MP8, MP10 2007, 2010
PV776-89056174 Fuel Filter Literature, CHU, CXU, GU, LEU, MRU, TD, MP7, MP8, MP10 EPA2007, 2010
PV776-89057766 Oil and Filters, Mack Components, CHU, CXU, GU, LEU, MRU, TD, MP7, MP8, MP10
PV776-89059130 Engine Control Module, Replacement, MP7, MP8, LEU, MRU
PV776-89062127 Specifications, MP7, CHU, GU, LEU, MRU, MP7
PV776-89064212 Engine Compression Brake Actuator, Replacement, LEU, MRU, MP7 EPA2007, 2010
PV776-89067206 Air in Fuel System, Check, CHU, CLX, CMH, CMM, CXU, CXX, GU, LEU, MRU, TD
PV776-89068140 Engine Compression Brake Actuator, Replacement, CXU, GU, MP7 2007, 2010
PV776-89068716 Injector, Replacement, CHU, CXU, GU, LEU, MRU, TD, MP7, MP8, MP10, EPA2007, 2010
PV776-89069100 Rear Crankshaft Seal, ReplacementRear Crankshaft Seal Replace, MP7 EPA2007, 2010, CXU, GU, LEU, MRU
PV776-89076781 Crankcase Pressure, Check, CHU, CXU, GU, LEU, MRU, TD, MP7, MP8, MP10
PV776-89087091 Engine Turbocharger, Replacement, LEU, MRU, MP7 EPA2007, 2010
PV776-89087141 Engine Turbocharger, Replacement, MP7 Conv, CXU, GU
PV776-89088097 Turbocharger and Aftertreatment System, CHU, CXU, GU, LEU, MRU, TD, CMM, CLX, CXX,CHM, MP7 MP8, MP10
PV776-89091093 Engine Control Module (ECM), Aftertreatment Control Module(ACM), VMAC IV, DTC
PV776-89115982 Engine Injector and Sleeve, Replacement, Conical, CHU, CXU, GU, LEU, MRU, TD, MP7, MP8, MP10
PV776-89124128 Engine Injector and Sleeve, Replacement, Conical, CHU, CXU, GU, LEU, MRU, TD, MP7, MP8, MP10
PV776-89125044 Engine Injector, Replacement, Flat, CHU, CXU, GU, LEU, MRU, TD, CMM, CLX, CML, CSM, MP7, MP8, MP10,
PV776-89141188 Specifications MP7, CXU, GU, LEU, MRU, MP7 EPA2007, MP7 EPA2010
PV776-89148659 EGR Differential Pressure Sensor, Replacement, CXU, GU, LEU, MRU, MP7 EPA2007, 2010
PV776-89148660 EGR Venturi Tube, Replacement, MP7, CXU, GU, LEU, MRU, MP7 EPA2007, 2010
PV776-89149414 Air in the Fuel System, Check, MP7, MP8, MP10CHU, CXU, GU, LEU, MRU,TD, CMM, CMH, CHM, CLX
PV776-89150431 EGR Pipe, Replacement, CXU, GU, LEU, MRU, MP7 EPA2007, 2010
PV776-89152966 Diesel Fuel Hydrometer, Instructions, CHU, CXU, GU, LEU, MRU, TD, MP7, MP8, MP10, 2010, 2014
PV776-89155652 Charge Air Cooler Leak Test, CHU, CXU, GU, LEU, MRU, TD, MP7, MP8, MP10, 2007, 2010, 2014
PV776-89169572 Connecting Rod Bearings, Replacement (All), CXU, GU, LEU, MRU, MP7 2007, 2010
PV776-89198181 Sleeve, Engine Injector, Replacement (Copper), MP7, MP8, MP10,CMM,CMH,CLX,CXX LR,LEU,MRU,CHU,CXU,GU,